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My booking

  • To view your reservation online, please fill the fields with your booking or ticket number, and your family name (the last name you mentioned at the time of booking)
  • You can check that your transaction came through by viewing your reservation record.

If you need help, contact us at [email protected] or via our call center (+261 20 23 444 44 / +261 20 22 510 00) or approach a sales point.

Fill in your booking number (“Booking Reference” made up of 6 letters and numbers) and your surname :

* Le prix indiqué est valable pour un aller simple, taxes incluses, selon disponibilité à la date de réservation et aux dates de voyage. Tarifs affichés en Euro varient selon le taux de change du jour et susceptible d'augmenter sans préavis. Voirconditions de modification et de remboursement du tarif du billet avant achat.