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Flight and travel to Madagascar

Toamasina (Tamatave)

Toamasina, Dive into history in this tourist town

Showing relics of colonisation, Toamasina is pervaded with history.

Grown-ups and kids alike will enjoy riding rickshaws or quads, playing beach soccer, visiting the old districts of the town, the Manda Fort or Park of Ivoloina, getting a tan on the beaches of Foulpointe, or surfing in Mahambo.

To take you to Ambalamanasy, the international airport of Toamasina (TMN), Tsaradia has one scheduled flight per day at the departure of Antananarivo (TNR) and weekly flights at the departure of Sambava (SVB), Sainte-Marie (SMS), and Maroantsetra (WMN).

Madagascar Airlines flights to Toamasina (Tamatave)

To Ambalamanasy, Toamasina International Airport (TMM), Madagascar Airlines has a daily flight from Antananarivo (TNR), and weekly flights from Sambava (SVB), Sainte-Marie (SMS) and Maroantsetra (WMN).

Book your flight ticket now, and take advantage of the cheapest fares to the capital of Madagascar's eastern region.

Check out all domestic flights operated by Madagascar Airlines in Madagascar


Madagascar Airlines agency in Toamasina (Tamatave)

Adress: Avenue de l'Indépendance Ambohimanga-501

e-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m to 11:30 a.m

                          2:30 p.m to 5 p.m

Saturday: 8 a.m to 10:30 a.m

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* Le prix indiqué est valable pour un aller simple, taxes incluses, selon disponibilité à la date de réservation et aux dates de voyage. Tarifs affichés en Euro varient selon le taux de change du jour et susceptible d'augmenter sans préavis. Voirconditions de modification et de remboursement du tarif du billet avant achat.